Sometimes You Need More than the Financial Statements

If an organization is struggling, stress shows up in accounting reports and metrics. But we also discover stress in the staff and even vendors and customers. The best answers are found at this intersection and I have dual skillsets to provide this analysis.

While retired from mental health counseling, I continue to listen and analyze from the point of view developed during my years studying psychology. 

With businesses, we also have information we gather from:

  • financial data from your systems
  • personality and ambitions of key players
  • qualitative analysis of recent communications
  • wisdom from select business texts
Together we can learn about your organization from all sides.

a note:
Providing a psychological analysis paper about the state of an organization needs to be kept separate from, and happen before, other accounting projects, with the exception of ensuring that financial reports are reasonably accurate. In this way, I maintain a certain neutrality while gathering information and studying dynamics. This leads to better observations, discussions, and guidance.